The Tuloy Brand
We’ve been building the Tuloy brand for 17 years.
Tuloy stands for excellence in the transformation of poor, abandoned, homeless, and “at risk” children and youth into contributing members of society.
Tuloy’s program is long-term.
“Tuloy” in our national language means “welcome” and “continue”. Tuloy’s program of welcoming a child into its homes and into its school continues for many years, provided the child chooses to, until he has acquired the skills for gainful employment or livelihood. It is a long-term program of residential care, education and skills training, and transitioning to independent living, all of which will take at least seven years.
Everything we do in Tuloy is deliberate and for a purpose.
The Preventive System.
We practice St. John Bosco’s Preventive System which uses loving kindness, reason, and spirituality in teaching our children right and encouraging them to do right. While it is important to address their basic needs and education, we need to help them see their own goodness and what they are capable of achieving by first showing them unconditional love and compassion. Their past is past.
We communicate the provision of the basic needs of shelter, food, clothing, heath care, and education to a perceptible level to convince the children that they are important, and that we really care. In turn, they learn to value themselves and dream and strive to succeed.
An alternative learning system.
We have Tuloy sa Don Bosco School right inside the street children village. It is an alternative learning system accredited by the Department of Education which recognizes learning needs and capabilities unique to its special clientele and focuses on values and skills training. Education at all levels is free.
The infrastructure.
Even the infrastructure in the village is meant to give the children all the opportunities to discover and work on their potential be they home and family, education, sports, art, music or prayer. The children have a part in keeping the village clean, orderly, and beautiful. They are taught to “do ordinary things extraordinarily well” the way St. John Bosco taught his poor boys.
The staff and management of Tuloy.
The staff of Tuloy and those in authority lead by example. Dedication to the mission is expressed explicitly in generous service and gentle behavior. This culture of kindness can be easily perceived by the children, even by visitors.
Transparency and accountability.
Excellence is likewise demonstrated in the transparency and accountability with which Tuloy deals with its benefactors. Every peso entrusted to Tuloy is channeled to the purpose specified by the donor, and properly accounted for. Tuloy has been cited as a model by foreign donors who have audited its programs and books upon conclusion of their grants.
Tangible fruits.
The pursuit of excellence has proven to be fruitful. Those who choose to invest in the future of Tuloy children are pleased with the yield. How else could we have built the Tuloy sa Don Bosco Streetchildren Village? So far, ten 3-1/2 story residences for 300 children, a school and workshops for some 700 students, a gym, chapel, culinary center, library and learning resource center, music room, retreat and conference building, football field, offices, gardens. How could we have served more than 10,000 children and youth at risk? How can we welcome into our school each year hundreds of children availing of free quality education? How could we have graduated and given back to society thousands of once hopeless children, now full of hope about the future because they are equipped with values and skills to earn a living?
A template for multiplier effect.
The 10,000 whom Tuloy Foundation has helped is but a small segment of the children-at-risk population in the Philippines. More needs to be done and can be done with more Tuloy villages spread across the country. To achieve a multiplier effect in solving this problem, Tuloy is open to being used as a template for rebuilding lives of street children and youth at risk, and is happy to share good practices.
Divine Providence.
Tuloy believes that it owes its existence and success to Divine Providence. Even generous benefactors are divine interventions. Read more about this in “Finally, I Am Home”, a book by Fr. Rocky G. Evangelista, SDB, published May, 2010. The book is an email away
Awards and Milestone
Awards We’ve Received
The work of Tuloy Foundation, Inc. has been recognized by reputable institutions over the years. But the real recognition comes from partners and friends who, by their continuing support, reaffirm that what Tuloy does is right and beautiful, and is worth their commitment.
Tuloy Foundation, Inc. President and Project Director, Fr. Marciano “Rocky” G. Evangelista, SDB has accepted the awards with much gratitude. But he says in his book “Finally, I Am Home” (published May, 2010) that “after the lights, the applause, the back-tapping, and the kudos have died down, these weapons are my true trophies.” “These weapons” refers to his collection of crudely made tools for self-preservation voluntarily surrendered to him by children who gave up street life to live in Tuloy. This precious collection is evidence that Tuloy’s mission to remould and educate its young clientele is on the right track.
Father Rocky is awarded the distinction as a Most Outstanding Kapampangan.
Father Rocky was awarded the International Humanitarian award 2017 by Julia Morley during the Miss World coronation night in Sanya, China