The Experience of Godliness
“Values become owned only when experienced and internalized in communities where these are rewarded, valued, practiced and celebrated ”
Thrown away bricks and realized potentials…
Gratitude - to God, parents, and benefactors
Obedience - to God, mentors and conscience with internalized values
Dedication - to God, country and duty with love
Leadership - by example, teamwork and personal discipline
Initiative - creativity and innovation for constant improvement
Nourish - mother earth and environment
Excellence - do ordinary duties extraordinarily well
Success - through consistent effort that others may live
Spirituality - clear purpose and focus to share and to serve for heaven.
How the Chapel of the Forgiving Lord was built symbolizes how we want to turn our kids into living temples of the Spirit….. (please refer to the video above)
a way of doing and being as a community
a way of life and connectedness”
Gratitude - to God, parents, and benefactors
Tuloy is filled with the energies of people that nourish and care. Many people say that they can feel this life giving energy. Here, the child experiences love in the sacrifices people are willing to make so that the they may be redeemed and empowered. The child is given customized opportunities to experience the joy of development and achievement. The realization that there are people who care and support them evokes a disposition of gratitude in the children. Ultimately they become grateful to God who has been generous with His Graces. Teaching children to say ‘thank you’ is also about giving them reasons to say so. They should see the kindness that people do on their behalf. An inner indebtedness moves them to share and pay forward not just in the future but in the present. (Ang Itinulong sa Iyo, Sa iba i-Tuloy mo.) Having received the best, they also are willing to respond by giving their best in all that they do in Tuloy. It is life changing to realize just how much we are LOVED.
Obedience - to God, mentors and conscience with internalized values
Eliciting Obedience in Tuloy consists of winning the Trust and Confidence of the children. Making the them understand the values of what is expected of them, is important if values are to be internalized and used in making the right choices. Once the educators are able to gain the heart of the child, the young person comply because of internal values and not external threats and intimidation. There is nothing romantic about working with street children. They will try the limits of your patience and composure. When push comes to shove, corrective and developmental interventions are valued more than punitive ones. And punitive interventions involve activities that allow children to make up for their mistakes by doing productive learning activities rather than enduring pain and deprivations. “Fight evil by doing good” so the Holy Book says. There are times however, that Tuloy realizes it might be better for the child to be transferred to another facility or setting where the child’s specific needs can be better addresses. It is life changing to Obey and be Obeyed when there is FAITH in God and in each other.
Dedication - to God, country and duty with love
It is important that Children not only ‘do’ but continuously ‘do’. They have to be Committed, Loyal, Faithful and Persevering especially when difficult challenges arise. The nurturing and developmental climate in Tuloy must keep the children engaged in their formative activities. It helps if they are motivated by love for God, for Neighbor and their Duty. Sustaining the repetitive requirements of simple tasks can at times be more burdensome than doing a one-time big task. Also, when one sees the meaningfulness of an endeavor, it is easier to be dedicated to it. It is also imperative at some point in the life of a child that he defines for what and for whom he or she wants to dedicate and sacrifice his or her life for. This would involve vocational guidance. It is life changing to be totally dedicated because we have HOPE.
Leadership - by example, teamwork and personal discipline
Leadership in Tuloy is not about leadership positions as much as being good examples and effective models in a way that is trans-formative because of it’s positive influence. This begins with self-discipline and personal convictions. It engages with productive and not aggressive communication. It is a leadership that builds communion and teamwork. Leadership in Tuloy demands one’s willingness to accept ones weaknesses and need for improvement. Leadership is not a position of privileges but a ministry, a humble service.
Initiative - creativity and innovation for constant improvement and service.
Pro-active participation in Tuloy is related to pagmamalasakit, a Filipino term roughly translated as ‘care’ or ‘solicitude.’ People serve because they care and are concerned. People are motivated to be creative and innovative in finding ways to solve problems. Persons promote initiatives to be constantly mindful of the welfare of others, able to think critically in order to make right decisions and find ways for improving how things are done as demanded by the changing times.
Nature lover - nurtures mother earth and connected to the environment
The Children in Tuloy get to realize the the inter-connectedness of everything in the universe. They realize how human behavior can positively or negatively influence people and places. In a way, the children get to see their fragile lives in the fragile earth they care for. It is not enough to care for the children, they have to learn how to care for each other and for the earth we all call home.
Excellence - do ordinary duties extraordinarily well
Empowering the child is also about helping the child become the best they can become. Quality is very important in Tuloy. Poor children also deserve the best. What we want for our Tuloy Kids is what any good parent would want for their kids. We also want our kids to take pride in the quality of what they do and in the quality of the life they live. It’s all about the effort they put into everything and being willing to endure inconveniences and hardships. It includes not being afraid of failure and the discouraging reactions of people.
Success - through consistent effort that others may live
True happiness is not the same as being ‘entertained'. There has to be enough developmental scaffolding so that the child gets to experience success that he or she credits to his or her own efforts. The experience of success builds self-confidence and self-worth. Team success is also of great value in human experience. This brings joy. One’s happiness is to see that other’s are happy - Inclusive happiness if you may.
Spirituality - clear purpose and focus to share and to serve for heaven.
Every child learns to be directed by values and motivated by purpose. The Child knows what to Believe and knows where to rest his heart. The child becomes aware that if his relationships are to be truly human they must be spiritual relationships. In moments of pain and despair the child is able to draw from the recesses of his or her inner supernatural strength drawn from their reasons to Hope, the foundations of their Faith and their experiences of Love.
“Itinulong sa iyo...
Sa iba ituloy mo.....
Let the assistance afforded you...
through you to others may continue....
Our kids participate regularly in an out-reach program for the physically challenged at Elsie Gaches. "Ang Tulong sa iyo Ituloy mo sa iba." Caring forward today!
“Batang Tuloy.... Batang Matino.”
tuloy integrated juvenile development framework
Letting their light shine brighter and brighter each day….
“Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and give your Father praise. (Mt. 5:16)”