“The Children must be empowered to sustain the development that Tuloy Foundation has realized in their lives...”
ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION and vocational training for work
Tuloy believes in nurturing children in need and giving them hope through education.
Residents are no longer sent to schools outside the village. They never again have to suffer embarrassing moments being teased for being too old in their classes. In Tuloy sa Don Bosco School right inside the village, no child is too old to learn his 3R’s.
Top of the line wheel alignment equipment at the Tuloy Automotive Workshop
Tuloy sa Don Bosco School offers free education from equivalent grade 1 through vocational/technical courses such as Automotive/Motorcycle Mechanic, Refrigeration and Aircon Maintenance, Building Wiring/Basic Electronics, Computer Technician, Baking, Basic Metal Arc Welding, and Culinary Art. The school’s curriculum is accredited by the Department of Education as non-formal, and is tailored to the needs of the kids whose mental skills lag behind children their age in normal schools. Having wasted away time in the streets instead of in schools, the kids have but a few years to learn practical, working skills by the time they are of employable age. Thus, functional literacy is the orientation of both subject content and teaching methodology.
Vocational/technical students are prepared to take trade tests or licensure exams needed in their trade, and undergo on-the-job training prior to graduation.
To maximize resources utilized to run the school, marginalized youth from nearby communities outside Tuloy join the residents, also for free. Enrollment for school year 2010-2011 is about 840, including 232 in on-the-job training and apprenticeship programs.
Since 1998, the school has graduated 713 children in need from Basic Education and 1,206 from its Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs.
Tuloy teaches the children to fish, then lets them go.
Graduation in April is always a joyful occasion in Tuloy. Not only have disadvantaged children completed a technical skills program that opens doors to productive employment, they also have imbibed values and attitudes that will enable them to cope with the realities of life in the outside world and to live as good Christians and citizens of society.
Tuloy assists graduates in finding jobs and monitors their performance at work for three years to ensure that they transition well into the real world.
Residents are allowed to stay in Tuloy for one year while they reestablish themselves in the workplace and plan for independent living.
Adopted from
“Batang Tuloy.... Batang Matino”
Tuloy Integrated JUVENILE Development Framework
Letting their light shine brighter and brighter everyday….
“Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and give your Father praise. (Mt. 5:16)”